The official home of UK legislation, revised and as enacted 1267-present, managed by The National Archives on behalf of HM Government.
legislation.gov.uk · 87,184
Law.com delivers news, insights and resources for legal professionals to anticipate opportunities and adapt to change.
law.com · 79,349
Gazzetta Ufficiale
Official source of knowledge of current regulations in Italy, providing information on legislative texts, public and private acts, and more.
gazzettaufficiale.it · 63,706
Find trusted, free legal information, news, DIY forms and access to local lawyers at FindLaw.com.
findlaw.com · 53,939
Leading source for legal news & analysis on litigation, policy, and deals.
law360.com · 48,734
U.S. Copyright Office
Official website of the U.S. Copyright Office providing information and resources about copyright laws and regulations.
copyright.gov · 26,463
iubenda is a 360° compliance solution for global data privacy laws, offering a privacy policy generator, cookie consent management, Terms and more.
iubenda.com · 16,435
Legal Research Platform that Transforms. Access Jusbrasil for your Complete Legal Research. Procedural Consultation, Case Law, Doctrine, Templates, Legal Articles and more.
jusbrasil.com.br · 13,644
American Bar Association
The ABA is the largest voluntary association of lawyers in the world, working to improve the administration of justice and promote programs that assist lawyers and judges in their work.
americanbar.org · 6,390
EUGDPR Information Portal
An information portal about the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years.
eugdpr.org · 5,905
ABA Journal
Legal news and insights from the American Bar Association. Stay informed on the latest developments in law and the legal industry.
abajournal.com · 5,658
Official Legal Text of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with quick access to key issues and recitals.
gdpr-info.eu · 5,382
The American Immigration Lawyers Association offers resources and support for immigration law professionals.
aila.org · 5,062
Comprehensive collection of Russian legislation, including codes, laws, decrees, and analytics. Stay up-to-date with the latest legal news and practical insights.
garant.ru · 4,514
America First Legal
Defending true equality under law, national borders, freedom of speech, and more. Join the fight with America First Legal.
aflegal.org · 4,042
Official website of courts in the Netherlands providing information on legal procedures, rulings, and the organization of the judiciary.
rechtspraak.nl · 3,590
Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC)
Global bar association promoting professional and business interests of in-house counsel through information, education, networking, and advocacy.
acc.com · 2,729
Official website with the final text of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in both German and English, as well as related information such as BDSG, LDSG, and TTDSG.
dsgvo-gesetz.de · 2,677
AIPPI - International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
Leading non-profit association dedicated to developing and improving laws for IP protection.
aippi.org · 2,427
The ultimate portal for understanding internet law and making your website legally compliant. Find articles, tools, guides, and news to keep you informed.
e-recht24.de · 2,322
Generate a free Privacy Policy template for your site, blog, or app to comply with CPRA, CCPA, GDPR.
freeprivacypolicy.com · 2,268
NVLSP - National Veterans Legal Services Program
Providing legal services to veterans in need. Find resources for burn pit claims, discharge upgrades, and more.
www.nvlsp.org · 2,254
Official website for the Advokatsamfundet, dedicated to representing and protecting the interests of clients with loyalty and integrity.
advokatsamfundet.se · 2,144
Promoting a well-functioning legal society and advocating for lawyers' independence and integrity.
advokatsamfundet.dk · 1,913
The official website of ACM with latest news, legal updates, courses, documents and more.
acm.cat · 1,860
Global law and policy database on refugee law, statelessness, and internal displacement
refworld.org · 1,442
Easy-to-use privacy policy generator with information on cookies, log files, and online privacy policies.
generateprivacypolicy.com · 1,198
AIA Data Center
AIA Data Center provides information on NAIC model consumer privacy regulations and law publications online.
aiadc.org · 1,198
Mid-Atlantic ADA Center
Providing information, guidance, and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the Mid-Atlantic Region.
adainfo.org · 1,082
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Leading organization of family lawyers providing professional family law services and promoting excellence in the field.
aaml.org · 963
Access Corrections
Online platform for accessing correctional services and resources
accesscorrections.com · 933
Abstract Appeal
The First Web Log Devoted To Florida Law And The Eleventh Circuit Court Of Appeals.
abstractappeal.com · 858
Your go-to source for legal help and information on personal and family life matters.
uslegal.com · 857
The Law Association of New Zealand
Connecting and empowering legal professionals in New Zealand to achieve excellence together.
adls.org.nz · 845
Actu juridique
Legal news site providing updates on civil, administrative, tax, constitutional, real estate law. A reference for lawyers, legal professionals, notaries.
actu-juridique.fr · 841
Adams Drafting
Leading authority on contract drafting language. Training and resources for clear and effective contracts.
adamsdrafting.com · 821
ADR Institute of Canada
Leading ADR professional organization setting benchmarks for best practices in Canada
adric.ca · 799
Law Insider
Top rated legal research site for contracts, clauses, and defined terms. Trusted by over 300,000 customers in 50+ countries.
lawinsider.com · 765
Legal news and information about recalls, class action suits and personal injury lawsuits. Find latest updates on dangerous products, settlements, and more.
aboutlawsuits.com · 754
New York City Bar
The Association of the Bar of the City of New York dedicated to improving justice administration and promoting legal studies.
abcny.org · 749
A site with resources for legal professionals and events such as CLEs and conferences. Stay up to date with latest news and get involved in the legal community.
acba.org · 641
Rightsnet provides news, case law, and reports related to welfare benefits and debt advice in the UK.
rightsnet.org.uk · 639
Sagit Publishing House
Legal and financial information on 65 thematic areas including income tax, civil code, and business activities.
www.sagit.cz · 622
American Board of Trial Advocates
An association of experienced trial lawyers and judges offering National and Foundation Committees signup, International Trip registration, Latest News, and Upcoming Events.
abota.org · 618
Admiralty Law Guide
Comprehensive resource for Admiralty and Maritime Law
admiraltylawguide.com · 574
Moscow Bar Association
Official website of the Moscow Bar Association, providing information on lawyers, news, publications, and exams.
advokatymoscow.ru · 569
AELE is a resource center and legal educational provider dedicated to offering objective, timely, and accurate information on law enforcement.
aele.org · 566