Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Leading university in Chile and Latin America offering undergraduate and postgraduate programs, research, and extension services.
uc.cl · 21,577
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Leading university in Spain for Engineering and Technology, with high employability rates and recognition by 'El Mundo'.
upm.es · 19,982
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
The largest on-site university in Spain, offering the best education. Located in Madrid, surrounded by green areas and with a vibrant cultural and sports life.
ucm.es · 18,507
UNAM Portal
Official portal of the National Autonomous University of Mexico with various study centers across the country, primarily in Mexico City.
unam.mx · 17,460
University of Guadalajara
Leading educational institution in Guadalajara with a rich history and diverse academic offerings.
udg.mx · 17,177
University of Granada
Leading educational and research institution with over 54,000 students, offering a wide range of academic programs and services.
ugr.es · 16,269
University of La Rioja
Public university in Logroño, recognized as an international excellence campus. Creator of Dialnet.
unirioja.es · 14,636
University of Murcia Website
Official website of the University of Murcia with news, events, and resources for students and faculty.
um.es · 13,919
Universidad de Chile
Leading state institution of higher public education, founded in 1842. Undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses, research and extension activities.
uchile.cl · 13,511
Universidad de los Andes
Innovative institution providing critical and ethical education with respect for ideas and excellence in Colombia
uniandes.edu.co · 12,866
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | UAM
Leading public university in Madrid offering quality education and research opportunities.
uam.es · 12,275
University of Zaragoza
Leading educational institution in Zaragoza offering a wide range of academic programs and research opportunities.
unizar.es · 11,629
Leading online university offering a wide range of courses and degrees in various fields.
uoc.edu · 11,526
University of Costa Rica
Leading higher education institution in Costa Rica, dedicated to research, teaching, and social action.
ucr.ac.cr · 11,329
Universitat de València
One of the oldest universities in Spain, founded in 1499, offering modern and innovative education and research in various fields of knowledge.
uv.es · 11,092
University of Malaga
Leading university in Malaga offering a wide range of academic programs and research opportunities.
uma.es · 10,472
Universidad de Sevilla
Promoting innovation and international cooperation in the field of higher education in Spain.
us.es · 10,172
Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano
A leading academic institution in Chile offering a wide range of programs and activities focused on social transformation and critical thinking.
academia.cl · 8,035
Foundation focused on creating synergies between the University and the business world in the field of education and innovation.
adeituv.es · 7,546
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Leading university in Colombia with a rich history and diverse academic programs.
unal.edu.co · 6,132
Dirección General de Cultura y Educación Portal ABC
Official website for the Dirección General de Cultura y Educación, providing information for students, teachers, schools, and the community.
abc.gov.ar · 2,517
Platform offering online courses, masters, and training for professionals in various areas such as marketing, sales, and finance. Learn with high-quality programs!
aicad.es · 967
Educational materials accessible and free. Find accessible and free education resources and materials.
actiludis.com · 870
ADR Formación
Leading eLearning platform offering online courses and training solutions for companies and public institutions.
adrformacion.com · 685
Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Veracruz
Information and resources for the XXV Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Veracruz
cobaev.edu.mx · 358
Academia Play
Online learning platform offering a wide range of educational videos on various topics.
academiaplay.es · 317
Ajedrez en el Aula
Educational platform for learning chess through play and creativity.
ajedrezenelaula.com · 188
Additio App
Next-generation school management platform for teachers and educational institutions.
additioapp.com · 182
Agustinos Zaragoza
Educational institution founded in 1941. Belongs to the Order of Saint Augustine. Offers education from Kindergarten to High School.
agustinoszaragoza.com · 168