Aarhus University

Aarhus University offers an inspiring educational and research environment for 36,500 students and 11,000 employees, ensuring results of high international standard.

au.dk · 14,203

Københavns Universitet

Top university in Denmark offering a wide range of programs and cutting-edge research in various fields.

ku.dk · 11,159

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

Elite technical university in Denmark with international reach and standard, focusing on developing and utilizing natural and technical sciences for society's benefit.

dtu.dk · 10,047

Aarhus School of Architecture

Leading architecture school in Aarhus focusing on sustainable urban development and innovative research projects.

aarch.dk · 627


Leading vocational institution offering over 25 vocational education programs, EUX programs, and a wide range of AMU courses.

aarhustech.dk · 264

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